Insure for DeFi users

How you can participate in the Insure protocol as a DeFi user

Get Covered

Insure provides coverage for loss from a drastic devaluation of crypto assets.

  • Select the cover amount for your policy.

  • Customize your policy period.

  • Buy policy for your desired crypto asset by paying a premium in USDC.

  • Get automatic payout when a covered event occurs.

Buy Insurance

Provide Coverage

Users can earn interest from the premium paid by policy buyers by underwriting the insurance.

  • Underwrite insurance by providing USDC to the pool.

  • Earn interest on your liquidity in USDC when someone buys a policy by paying a premium.

All underwritten assets are stored in the Vault contract and we are planning to utilize these assets by different investment strategies to incur additional revenue for underwriters in the future.

Underwriting & Earning

Last updated